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S88 S95英文图书资料

The Road to Integration: A Guide to Applying the ISA-95 Standard in Manufacturing


In recent decades, industrial companies have invested much time and money in enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and in automation of the process control layer. In our quest to reap the rewards of all these investments, the gap between business automation and process automation is becoming painfully obvious. ERP systems are only valuable if you supply them with current data, and these data originate largely from the process control layer. When integrating these systems, both IT departments and engineering departments must confront the high degree of heterogeneity found in technology, metadata, programming languages, user interfaces, and more. Good communication with the systemÂ's end user is essential as several departments are usually involved, such as production, maintenance, the lab, and the office. Try speaking the same language then!
Against this backdrop, ISA decided in the 1990s to develop the ISA-95 standard for integrating enterprise and control systems in order to reduce the risks, costs, and errors that go hand in hand with implementing manufacturing control systems and integrating them with ERP systems. This handy resource explains how to apply ISA-95 in manufacturing enterprise systems (MES) and vertical integration projects, as well as reveals the most important ISA-95 models and terminology. It is ideal for those just starting out who need to get up to speed on ISA-95Â's background information but also for those who have some practical experience with ISA-95 and require additional support in carrying out analyses to determine a specific companyÂ's MES strategy and to define user requirements. If you develop MES functionality or realize interfaces based on ISA-95, then this guide will help you understand and apply the ISA-95 object models. Most important, the guide explains how to integrate ERP and MES systems using ISA-95. It places ISA-95 in the broader context of modern information exchange technologies and thus offers a complete picture for project managers, consultants, programmers, and information architects who want to integrate ERP and MES systems based on the international standard.


Applying S88: Batch Control from a User's Perspective


The release of batch control standard ANSI/ISA S88.01-1995, Batch Control Part 1: Models and Terminology, has led to revolutionary advances in the way factories design, implement, and integrate flexible, modular processes into the enterprise. Now for the first time, here's a book that cuts through the opaque language and arcane symbols of the standard, and explains it in clear, user-friendly language. Applying S88 covers all aspects of the ANSI/ISA S88.01 Standard. Written from a user's perspective, Parshall and Lamb discuss their implementation of S88, offering a wealth of examples and explanations to make it applicable across a wide range of batch industries. From designing better processes to combining recipes with equipment control to execution validation test plans, this book offers both an introduction to S88 as well as expert insights into applying it. Parshall and Lamb's clear, lighthearted style makes this the ideal introduction to S88 for control engineers, project engineers, technicians, operators, information technology professionals, engineering or IT supervisors, and mid- to upper-level managers. Contents: Basic Concepts Are You Ready to Go Yet? Starting (What You Hope Will Be) A Successful Project The Physical Model Recipes, Part 1: Procedures Recipes, Part 2: All the Other Stuff Linking Recipes to Equipment Other Important Batch Control Items Batch Activities and Information Management System Specification and Design Specifying and Designing Equipment Phases Writing Phase Logic Starting Your System Right - The First Time Finis.



